Monday, May 10, 2010

Game Themes

Greetings, everybody. This is just a quick note to let you know that my episode is up!

I recorded this show with Mark Johnson for his Boardgames To Go podcast a couple of months ago when I was in L.A. for a small get together. In it, we discuss my distinction between "theme as narrative" and "theme as metaphor," my way of describing how a theme can impact a game.

I haven't finished re-listening to it yet, but so far it sounds better than I remembered. I hope it will generate a lot of discussion and feedback. Give it a listen!

1 comment:

Justus said...

Hello Greg! I just wanted to say thanks for your great work with Mark Johnson! And I was wondering what if any game groups are you a part of in Houston? I'm just curious cause I live out here also. I go to the Friday Night game night at Jim and Truong's place and the Just Outside the Loop monthly meetup....


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