Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Greg's Blog: It's Readable!

What's with Bud Light's new advertising slogan? "The difference is drinkability."


The best thing you can say about your beer is that it is drinkable? So is my urine. Heaven forbid you set the bar too high or anything. What isn't drinkable? Sand?

"Hey Carl, what do you think of this beer?"
"It's drinkable."

I suppose the argument could be made that it is a relative market. In that sense, Bud Light is saying that they are more drinkable than their competitors, say Miller Lite. On that scale, I suppose their claim may have merit. It's like the politicians who run on the platform "I'm better than the other guy."

It is here that I feel compelled to put in a plug for my local brewery, Saint Arnold, who's owner Brock Wagner is fond of saying, "We make beer with flavor."

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