Thursday, October 16, 2003

Totally Recalled

Hi everybody!

Well, it's been a week since the coup, er, recall of Davis, and things seem to be going well under governor-elect Schwarzenegger (man, I love that phrase!). The mandatory morning exercise routines are strenuous but fair, but I'm having trouble remembering how to spell Kelleeforneea.

Believe it or not, this is going to be a very short update, the main purpose of which is really to let you know that I'll be in Houston, TX all next week, and would love to have a chance to hang out with you guys for lunch, dinner, drinks, whatever.

Not too much news around here. Due to a friend, I got picked up as kind of a stringer for Indie Slate magazine. They asked me to cover a film festival out here called Mania Fest. It was okay, I guess, but the really cool thing was I got to interview Wes Craven and Stan Lee! I was so nervous, especially with Mr. Craven, because I didn't find out I was going to interview him until about five minutes beforehand. I'm sure I came across as a complete dork, but that's okay. Stan Lee was super cool and nice, and it was great to meet him.

Mega-congratulations are in order for my cousin, Marie, who finally landed an agent! With any luck she'll be a superstar within a year and I can start free-loading a room at her enormous Santa Monica mansion.

Anyway, like I said, short but sweet. I can save the interesting details for one-on-one meetings. Drop me a line so we can have a beer or two together. See you soon.


Movie Quote Challenge:

Okay, these are the super hard ones I had planned, but I still think they'll prove fairly challenging to get exactly right. I'm looking for only one answer for each.

Number 1: "I'll be back."

Number 2: "I have a bad feeling about this."

Good luck!

Movie Quote Hints:

Man, I'm feeling mean today or something!

First off, there was a typo about the quotes, these are *not* supposed to be the hard ones, just annoying ones.

All right, many of you have answered with:

Number 1: Terminator

Number 2: Star Wars

Now, while those are both true, they're not correct. They aren't the answers I'm looking for. So I'll break down and give you hints. Number 1 is from an Arnold movie, but not one of the Terminators. Number 2 is from Star Wars, but not the first one (or fourth, depending on your point of view).

Need more hints? Ugh. Against my better judgement, here are the response lines:

Number 1: "Only in reruns, kid."

Number 2: beep, boop, whistle, beep

Movie Quote Answers:

I just realized I never sent out the correct answers. I'm not used to no one getting them right.

Number 1: Yes, it is in both Terminator movies, as well as Commando, Twins, and the popular guess Last Action Hero. However, the movie I was looking for was The Running Man. Remember? The deadly American Gladiator of the future? I thought the reruns line was a giveaway, but I guess not.

Number 2: Yes, this line has been said (or a slight variation of it) in all the Star Wars movies. I actually tried to find it in some other movie to make it really hard, but I couldn't find one I liked. Anyway, the one I was looking for was Return of the Jedi, said by C-3PO as he and R2 go to talk to Jabba the Hutt (hence the beeping response).

Anyway, that's it. Better luck next time. I'll talk to you all soon.


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